Feeding Tips For Your Baby with CHD

baby drinking from a bottle

While feeding your baby provides nutrition for physical and mental growth, it is also an opportunity for you to love, touch and communicate with your child. 当你的宝宝体重稳定增长,满足和茁壮成长时,这是令人安心和值得的. 一个出生就有 先天性心脏缺陷 (冠心病), 然而, may not gain weight as rapidly as other infants, despite your hard work and persistence. At times this may be frustrating. 


健康的婴儿通常在3到4个月大时体重会增加一倍. 患有先天性心脏病的婴儿和儿童体重增加的速度往往较慢. 发育不良最常见的原因是婴儿没有摄入足够的卡路里或营养. Infants may get tired while feeding and therefore take in less food. If your baby seems to drink enough breast milk or formula, 由于增加的热量需求,他或她可能仍然会缓慢地增加体重. 宝宝的儿科医生或心脏病专家会在每次就诊时给宝宝称重. These weight measurements will show how well your baby is growing.


Breast feeding is the best source of nutrition for most infants. 它还可以降低母亲和婴儿出现某些健康状况的风险, but it's important to be flexible about your feeding method and schedule. 一些患有心脏病的婴儿可能还需要在他们的母乳或配方奶中添加补充剂,或者需要通过放置在鼻子里的喂食管喂养.

患有先天性心脏病的婴儿通常在需要时更经常地被喂养,表现最好. 它们往往在喂食过程中很快就会疲劳,所以经常喂食往往效果很好. 最初, you may need to feed your baby every one to three hours, 你可能需要在晚上叫醒你的宝宝几次喂养,直到他或她能够忍受更大的牛奶量. 


如果你的宝宝在出生前或出生后被诊断患有先天性心脏缺陷, you probably won't get the opportunity to nurse your baby at delivery. 如果是这样的话, 建议您在分娩后的前六个小时内使用吸奶器吸乳. Then continue with at least eight sessions per 24 hours. 随着宝宝的发育,一定要在宝宝吃奶的时候经常抽奶,以保持母乳的供应. You may want to consider renting an electric pump for home use. If your baby needs surgery after breastfeeding has been established, 当宝宝不能吃奶的时候,你可以吸乳来维持母乳的供应. Be sure to clean your breast pump before and after each use.

How much and how often babies feed will depend on their individual needs. The first few days they may feed every one to three hours. 在最初的几周和几个月里,它们大约每两到四个小时进食一次. Although this may vary at times with shorter or longer times between feedings, generally they will feed eight to 12 times in 24 hours.

如果你有问题或需要帮助,无论是吸吮或让婴儿锁定在你的乳房, contact a lactation consultant. Before you're discharged from the hospital, 哺乳顾问会看着你母乳喂养宝宝,以确保一切顺利.


Formula feeding may provide a little more flexibility than breast feeding, particularly if your child remained in the hospital for treatment after birth. 奶瓶喂养还可以让婴儿的父亲和其他家庭成员更积极地喂养婴儿.

商业公式, available at most supermarkets, 是由食品和药物管理局监管的,必须达到最低的营养和安全标准. 你和宝宝的健康护理专家可以决定哪种配方奶粉最适合你的宝宝. 一定要洗净你的手和奶瓶,并在配制奶瓶时准备好配方. 在最初的几天里,每两到三个小时喂一到两盎司的配方奶粉. 随着宝宝长大,你可以开始加大奶瓶的尺寸,并继续每三到四个小时喂一次. Babies will generally take what they need.

There are also many types of baby bottles and nipples available. You may need to experiment to find the best nipple for your baby. An occupational therapist, 临床护理专家或喂养团队成员可能会评估您宝宝的喂养习惯,并提出具体的喂养沙巴足球体育平台表和乳头的建议.


一些患有先天性心脏病的婴儿可能无法通过母乳喂养或奶瓶喂养摄入足够的卡路里. 这些儿童可能需要使用鼻胃管(NG)进行额外喂养. This NG tube is placed in the baby's nose and passes to the stomach. Formula or breast milk is delivered through the tube. 这使得喂养更少的“工作”,并导致你的宝宝增加更多的体重. 其他管饲方法包括胃造口管(g管)或空肠造口管(j管)。. 这些方法包括通过手术将导管置入胃(g管)或肠(j管)。. 您和您孩子的健康护理团队将为您的宝宝确定最佳的喂养方法和沙巴足球体育平台表.


Avoid giving your infant other liquids until they are 6 months old. 当宝宝开始吃固体食物或果汁时,配方奶或母乳是满足宝宝热量需求的最佳方式.


你的医生会帮助你决定什么时候应该在宝宝的饮食中添加固体食物. This usually occurs around 6 months of age. For most children you don’t need to give foods in a certain order. Foods to introduce may include fortified cereal, 水果, 蔬菜, 蛋白质, 谷物, 酸奶和奶酪. These foods are soft and easier for the baby to eat. This is the time to build healthy eating habits with your child. 和你的儿科保健团队谈谈,根据你孩子的特定生长曲线,介绍最好的食物.

Heart medicine and feeding

许多患有先天性心脏病的婴儿被给予诸如速尿之类的药物来控制充血性心力衰竭. These medications typically don't interfere with feedings. It's usually best to give medications to your baby before a feeding. 用注射器或滴管从药瓶里直接给宝宝喂药. 不要在配方奶瓶里混合任何药物,因为宝宝可能喝不完. If the baby vomits after the medication, do not give that medication again until the next scheduled time.

如果您的宝宝生病了,请联系您的心脏病专家或其他医疗保健专业人员, feeds poorly or vomits more than two to three feedings per day. 你的宝宝的药物可能需要调整,或者可能需要改变配方.


Persistent and loving efforts to feed your baby will be rewarded. Even when your baby doesn't eat with enthusiasm, just being physically close to you during feeding times is important. Feeding your baby should be a positive experience, never a battleground. Let your baby decide when he or she is satisfied. If you have feeding problems or questions about your baby's growth, talk with your pediatrician, 心脏病专家, 护士或营养师.