

心脏病幸存者Mutha Chucka. (摄影:Harry James Hanson)
心脏病幸存者Mutha Chucka. (摄影:Harry James Hanson)

变装皇后Mutha Chucka以华丽的服装而闻名, 引人注目的发型和妆容, 和幽默的, 政治性的表演. 旧金山夜生活的一部分, 穆萨已经成长为一个受人爱戴的名人, 本地及其他地区.

"People embraced me, and I just kept pushing the boundaries and pushing the boundaries," Mutha said. “我喜欢你的发型,我喜欢你的妆容,我喜欢你的衣服. 我喜欢与观众互动. 我很开心."

Mutha, also known as Chuck Gutro and to some friends as "Chucka," first performed in drag in 1976. 我14岁时住在新英格兰, he donned his mother's clothes and wig and entertained a surprised audience at a church youth talent show.


是否对着经典歌曲, 缝制光彩夺目的连衣裙, 指导其他变装皇后, 为慈善事业筹集资金或熟练地处理公司的日常工作, 穆萨在积极的生活中游刃有余, 当然, 很有天赋.

穆萨·楚卡(Mutha Chucka)过着活跃的生活,一切都充满了天赋和光彩. (摄影:梅布尔吉梅内斯)
穆萨·楚卡(Mutha Chucka)过着活跃的生活,一切都充满了天赋和光彩. (照片 梅布尔吉梅内斯)

So, 2016年,穆萨因心脏病入院, 保持较慢的节奏不是一个熟悉的脚本.

He contracted a parasitic infection during a trip to Mexico in late 2015. The parasite went away after a few months of treatment, but good health was slow to return. 然后, after a work trip to Europe and several days of walking miles through Paris, 穆萨感到很不舒服.

医生诊断 心肌病 穆萨回忆说,“基本上告诉我,我正站在死亡之门上。.

他的心脏底部形成了一个血块. The clot broke off and traveled to a kidney, causing part of the organ to shut down. 他在医院住了三个星期.

在家休息, he suffered a complication from a heart procedure: the leg artery used to access his heart began severely bleeding. 这导致了紧急手术和10多天的住院治疗. 三个月后,穆萨才能够在街区里走动, 接下来是几个月的休养.

“很长一段沙巴足球体育平台我都病得很重. 这是一步一个脚印,”他说.

亲密的朋友, Char列维特, who knows Mutha as Chuck and first met him years ago when they worked together, 帮助他恢复了体力. Char and her wife brought chicken soup and other home-cooked, heart-healthy meals.

“他不得不稍微改变一下节奏,”夏尔说. 不管怎么努力,查克都是精力充沛的人, 她说, 无论是微调拖动性能, hosting a Chinese New Year's lunch for co-workers or checking on his parents and being the "fierce older brother" to his three younger sisters.

“没人能阻止那个家伙,”她说. “无论他走到哪里,人们都非常喜欢他. 他的包容. 他非常投入."

今天, 重金属音乐迷走, exercises with a stationary bike and eats lots of vegetables and very little red meat.

Mutha, 58, is mindful of his family history of cardiovascular diseases. His grandmother had a stroke; both of his parents have high blood pressure; and his father has had high cholesterol and a heart attack treated with a stent. 穆萨在青少年和青年时期吸烟,但在34岁时戒了烟. He currently takes medication to regulate his heartbeat and control blood pressure and cholesterol.

Along with paid shows, Mutha raises money for charities, including the 美国心脏协会. He first got involved with health issues fighting AIDS during the 1980s and early 1990s as part of Act Up and Queer Nation and protests at the White House.

在那些年里, 穆萨只是偶尔变装表演, 尤其是在万圣节和一些特别的活动中. 然后在20世纪90年代末, after performing as a backup drag singer and admiring other queens who were active in charities, 穆萨自己的行动成形了. 这包括成为一个自称为“拉扯主义者”的人,“公开谈论性别政治, 女权主义, 黑人的命也重要以及其他左倾的原因, 经常使用幽默, 但有时会变得严肃. Mutha是夜总会的最爱, 街道节日, 社区活动及, 最近, 在COVID-19大流行期间在线.

她穿着粉色和亮片的衣服,戴着粉红色的金色假发, 穆萨在六月主持了美国心脏协会的虚拟骄傲庆祝活动. 穆萨带领观众回答一些琐碎的问题, 音乐和喜剧演员, 在线舞蹈休息, fundraising efforts and messages about overcoming barriers to health care.

Members of the LGBTQ community face health disparities linked to discrimination and societal stigma, 研究表明.


Discrimination that LGBTQ people face has been associated with high rates of tobacco use and substance abuse. Mutha noted that the LGBTQ social scene was once more heavily based in bars, 这导致了更多的饮酒, 吸烟和吸入二手烟, 所有这些都有引发心脏病的风险. 现在,社交集中在许多类型的活动上.

在他努力过沙巴足球体育平台的同时,他也敦促其他人也这样做. Mutha points out that some studies indicate pet ownership can reduce heart disease risk, 他正在领养一只狗. He's moving from his longtime San Francisco apartment to a dog-friendly house in southern California.

Mutha Chucka strives to educate the community about LGBTQ health and heart disease risk through charities, 拖拽表演和在线活动.  (Fred Rowe Photo)
Mutha Chucka strives to educate the community about LGBTQ health and heart disease risk through charities, 拖拽表演和在线活动. (Fred Rowe Photo)

不过,粉丝们不必担心. Mutha will continue online drag shows and return to San Francisco when it's time to go back to work in person. Expect Mutha to keep pushing boundaries – and spreading the word about good health.

"I just encourage everyone to take the best care of themselves," he said. “这是穆萨人格的一部分. 我总是对每个人指手画脚."

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